originally titled, Sado Koushaku Fujin
translated from Japanese by Donald Keene with an Author's Postface
this edition is illustrated with photographs by Koichi Yamada of the original Japanese theatrical production
published by Peter Owen (London) in 1968
Produced by New Literature Theatre, this provocative play was first performed at Kinokuniya Hall, Tokyo, on November 14th, 1965 under the direction of Takeo Matsuura. Although the character of Sade himself never appears in the play, the action concerns all of key women in the libertine's life - his loyal wife, her sister with whom he had an extramarital affair, and director Ingmar Bergman reviewed this brilliant play in a Swedish language production to great acclaim in both Sweden and New York.
(information by M. Orlando)
>>> TEATRI DI VITA is the International Centre for the Performing Arts based in Bologna, Italy (between Florence and Venice). The programme is mainly addressed to companies coming from abroad.
>>> ANDREA ADRIATICO is the "resident" director in Teatri di Vita. He is 33 years old, and he directed several performances in experimental field of physical and visual theatre. Among his beloved writers: Pasolini, Koltès, Lorca. His works were performed in Italy, France, Germany.
>>> SADE/MISHIMA. Adriatico is now working on the well-known play by Mishima, inspired to the female world around Sade in XVIII Century. An impressive performance that Adriatico will create in an original way: on one hand the words of Mishima's characters played by a group of actress; on the other hand a very personal glance at Mishima and Sade through a performance with two male actors. We can say: two plays in one.
>>> DATES. "Madame de Sade" directed by Andrea Adriatico will be performed for the first time at Teatri di Vita, Bologna, Italy, from May 12th to May 31st.
>>> INTERNET. Information through e-mail (teatvita@iperbole.bologna.it) and in the website http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/7676/sadeen.html. The site will be often updated with more info, texts and pictures.
(information by Teatri di Vita)